Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Response to South Dakota State Rep. Steve Hickey Comments about MMA

A Response to  South Dakota State Rep. Steve Hickey Comments about MMA
As we enter the year 2013 Mixed Martial Arts has expanded and become a global sport. Yet still in 2013 we have  uneducated people that make the same claims about this great sport. The scary thing about this is the people that make the most off the wall comments are people in office in our country. Yesterday South Dakota State Rep. Steve Hickey made these comments.
Decent and civil societies have to draw the line somewhere; with smoking we draw the line after tobacco and before pot*; with ‘adult entertainment’ we draw the line at child porn. With violent combative ‘sports’ I suggest we draw the line at cage fighting. The line should be drawn after boxing, wrestling and legitimate martial arts. They are violent too but the line needs to be drawn somewhere. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or ‘cage fighting’ is over that line — in fact, even the martial arts people I talk to tell me they hate cage fighting because it is a smear on legitimate martial arts.**
MMA Cage Fighting is the child porn of sports.*** The psychological community will tell you that desensitization to violence works exactly like desensitization to porn. You know how porn progresses****… a peek at topless isn’t enough, it all has to come off, then a pic is not enough… it goes to video then to virtual***** and then to the devaluation and mistreatment of women, human trafficking and sex crimes against women. Violence works the same way. Boxing wasn’t enough so they took the gloves off, then they allowed kicking, kneeing people in the head, then elbows to the face, then they put a cage around it. The point is to knock the other guy unconscious while pay per view crowds cheer it on. Why not nunchucks? In Rome they’d gather in colosseums and bring out prisoners and entertain themselves by making them fight to the death. That wasn’t enough so they brought out the helpless and the hated and brought in the hungry lions. Crowds cheered
Meth use is going on here too, should we regulate Meth labs?******…
When people get hurt and die in extreme sports I’ll confess I sometimes have trouble mustering up sympathy and compassion (even as we should comfort their families and guys like me officiate these funerals). At some point we can’t call these things “accidents” as they are more the product of our carefully thought out decisions. I have to bite my tongue because instead of the passages that comfort the grieving I feel like quoting the great philosopher Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does*******…

In a restaurant the other day I heard a lady say about the MMA match on the television… Oh my, when did they take the gloves off? I wanted to say… Madam, they took the gloves off when we weren’t watching.******** Folks, it’s time to start paying attention because we are creating today the world our grandkids will live in tomorrow.
 Now there is plenty to take from these comments that are extremely wrong with these comments. The first being the violence factor in all of this. The big thing that people claim with MMA is that it is to violent and it put people in danger. This is further from the truth.The UFC which is the biggest MMA organization on the planet has had no deaths or serious injury in its history. Can we say the same for boxing? football? The fact is MMA is as safe as you can get when it comes to sport. Unlike Boxing when you are getting hit in the head over and over with head shots and football when you have 300 pound players running into each other.
Second the comparison to child porn. Which is as arrogant of a comment as you can see. MMA is as entertaining and as family friendly to watch as any sport. Yes there is times when it can be violent but its no different then a player falling wrong in the other sports. Nothing ever happen to make those comparisons. As well as the people involved with the sport off MMA are some of the nicest you can meet and are family friendly people so I am done with that.
Another is this man saying they don't have gloves. This just prove he does not know what he is talking about and never watched in his life a MMA event cause you can see they have gloves and are regulated with rules.
Finally saying lets legalize drugs and prostitution. While  I am not going to go into that last comment because it is just as dumb as any this man has said I just want to say this. MMA is overlooked by the government. So for all these events to happen the government must let it happen. Also MMA goes through drug testing unlike any sport other then boxing. Can that be said about other major sports? So all these comparisons are just ignorant and outlandish.
In closing I would like to say before anyone wants to make a comment about the sport do your research and watch the product and look at what goes on behind the sense and the people out doing this great sport. MMA you dont have no where near the outside instances as you do in the other major sports. The things that this man said were sad. The saddest part is he is not the only man who thinks this and its really a shame cause this truly is a great sport.

Sunday, February 3, 2013



The day football fans have been waiting for all year is finally here Super Bowl 47. This one should be another great one as it has The Baltimore Ravens vs The San Fransco 49ners. We are going to break down postiton by postion to see who has the edge in the big game and then give our final prediction.Spinzz


The NFL is at a cross roads as far as the Quarterback postion is concern. Between the readoption and the traditional drop back pocket passer. Many people feel that this game is a big part in the changing of the guard. Colin Kaepernick is coming into this game as one of the next budding superstars in the NFL. His ability to run and pass has been amazing in his first 10 stats. He has also played his best football in these playoffs. Joe Flacoo who has been ridculed his whole career has quieted a lot of his doubter. He has 10 TD to 0 intos and has beat two of the all time greats in Tom Brady and Payton Manning. While Flaco has proven he can win big games he has also has very flukey games at times as well. Kaerpernick can do it all and you can tell no moment is to big for him.
Advantage: 49ners

Running Back

Ths is as close as any postion battle between the two teams. Both teams have elite #1 running backs in Ray Rice and Frank Gore. They also have wepons as their backups. With Benard Peirce for the Ravens and Lemichael James for the 49ners. While they both have very solid and deep backfields I feel that the Ravens have the better fullbck in Vonta Leach. That gives the Ravens a little bit of an edge.
Advantage: Ravens
Wide Recivers
This one is the most inertesting in my opinon. You Have Torey Smith ,Anquan Boldin , Jacoby Jones, and Dennis Pitta for the Ravens. Then with the 49ners you got Michael Crabtree, Randy Moss, and Vernon Davis. Both these teams have very solid reciving cores and have great repore with their QBs. To me the big thing is Mario Maningham being out for the 49ners. I thnk he is a big factor, because you don't know what you are going to get from Randy Moss. The Ravens will look to take Crabtree away. I think the Ravens are a little deeper and they are playing as good as they have all season I see Troey Smith having a big game.
Advantage: Ravens

O Line


San Fran has one of the most dominate O Lines is the history of the NFL this is an easy one to do
Advantage: 49ners

D Line

Both teams have very solid d lines. With Justin and and Aldon Smith leading the 49ners and The Ravens with Haloti Ngata and Paul Kruger  leading the way for them. While both arent at a 100% I am gonna go by the team that has played the best and most consistend all year.
Advantage: 49ners

This is more of a changing of the guard. While the Ravens have Ray Lewis, Dannelle Ellerbe and Terrell Suggs. The 49ners have two of the best linebacker in hte game in Patrick Wllis and Navorw Bawman who are following in the steps on the field of Ray Lewis in beacoming great linebackers. The youth and the healthines of San Fran gives them a edge here.
Advantage: 49ners


With both teams having great defesnese this has been the question of both as of late. Ravens Secondery has been up and down all year more so cause they lost their lock down corner Webb with an ACL injury. San Fran has had one of the best in the NFL all year long but has looked shakey at times and struggled in the NFC tittle game.Tarell Brown and Carlos Rogers are no joke but I think the way they play is a bad match up vs The Ravens. When you have Ed Reed playing in his first Super Bowl and Barnard Pollard looking to make a statment after his comments I have to give the Ravens a slight edge.
Advantage: Ravens

Speical Teams
Both teams have explosive returners in Jacoby Jones for the Ravens and Ted Gin JR for San Fran. To me the thing that is a big factor is how good Justin Tucker has been and how bad David Akers has been.
Advangtge: Ravens

In one of the biggest stories if not the biggest of the Super Bowl you have the two brother Jim and John Harbaugh as oppiset coaches. Both are great coaches and both made gutsy calls mid sason that if they dint make they both wouldn't be here. Jim by benching Alex Smith mid season and Jon by firing the ravens offesnive cordnator. They both have great staffs around them and both are great coaches to go along with it it is hard to give one the edge.
Final count Ravens 4-49ners 4-1 Draw

Final Prediction
This is a very even Super Bowl when you really break it down. Even though San Fran looks to be the best team all around and the most talanted team. My head tells me to go with them, but the way the Ravens have played since Ray Lewis has said he will retire. Also the fact as we have seen in years past how the hottest team wins a lot of the time. I think we will see a back and forth game. With both teams using the run game the Ravens with Ray Rice 49ners with Frank Gore. Look for Capernick to make some big plays also. The big X Factor is how the Ravens recivers play its best when they dont get bumped on the line. The 49ners dont normaly do that so I see a big game from the Ravens Recivers. The Ravens send Ray Lewis off with his 2nd ring and get Ed Reed his first.Final Score Ravens 24-49ners 20
Super Bowl MVP Torey Smith


Saturday, February 2, 2013


One of the biggest UFC cards of the year will take place tommorow night. With the return of MMA greats Alistar Overeem and Rashad Evans. As well as the Super Fight between Featherweight Champion Jose Also and challenger former Lightweight Champion Frankie Edgar. SpinzzSports is here to preview the whole main card for you.Spinzz
Joseph Benavidez vs Ian McCall
A fight that could determine who is the next challenger for the flyweight championship. McCall and Benavidez both fought the Champion Mighty Mouse in the Flyweight Tournament. These two are both very well rounded and can win this fight at anytime. It is gonna be a close back and forth fight but I think the Benavidez is a little bit better everywhere then McCall.
Benavidez by Decsicion

Jon Fitch vs Demian Maia
Two fighters that want to get the fight to the ground and are two of th best when it gets down there. Maia whos is one of the best jiu jitsu fighters in the world who really looks like he has found a home at the 170 pound weight class. He is going up against one of the top guys in the weight class for years in Jon Fitch. Fitch who ive been critical on finally  starting to put on good fights. The big thing with this fight is when it goes to the ground will Fitch utilize his wrestling and will Maia use his submissions. Also who has the advantage on the feet when these two are standing. I feel like Fitch is going to be smart with his wrestling and tire Maia out.
Fitch by Decison
Rashad Evans vs Antonio Rogerio Nogueira
Rashad Evans returns with a fight that is a big fight for him. A win for Rashad and he gets a shot at Anderson Silva. In his way is Silvas training partner Lil Nog. While everyone is looking pat this fight for Rashad im not. Lil Nog has great boxing and jiu jitsu. That being said Rashads got great wrestling and the speed edge and can dictate where this fight takes place.
Rashad by Decision
Alistar Overeem vs Antnio Silva
A fight that was going to happen years ago in Strikeforce will happen now. Like Rashad Overeem has a tittle shot on the line. If history shows us anything Big Foot likes to spoil MMA fans plans. Silva stopped the Overeem vs Fedor fight and he will look to do the same again. I however dont see it happening. Silva has not looked good at all in the UFC his one win was against a hurt Travis Brown. Overeem will keep it standing which is good for him he has the best stand up in the UFC Heavyweight divison if not all of  MMA.
Overeem by TKO Round 1
Jose Aldo vs Frankie Edgar
A fight ive wanted to see for a long tme between two of the best fighters in the game with Jose Aldo vs Frankie Edgar. Edgar the former 155 pound champ who only lost the belt on two questionable decisons and who many people feel like is still the best fighter at 155 drops down to fight 145 pount camp Jose Aldo. If your a fight fan this is a fight you wanna watch. These guys are so well rounded they are great no matter where the fight goes. For me the big factors are can Edgar with stand Aldos kicks? Will Aldo gas in the latter rounds? Finally is the long lay off going to hurt Aldo. What I see happening is Aldo taking the early rounds and Frankie coming on string late, but I think Aldo will do to much damage early for Frankie to come back from.
Aldo by Decison

Billy Batts

Aldo vs Edgar

Call it a Super Fight. Call it a Dream Fight. Call it whatever the hell you want, all I know is this fight is going to be CRAZY! The dominant champ of the 145 pound division is going up against the once-dominant champ of the 155 pound division, and the Featherweight Championship is on the line. I know most people are predicting Aldo to win by domination, but you can never count "The Answer" out. I believe if Edgar can survive the initial first round barrage that Aldo is going to throw, he will win this fight. When it comes to cardio, you won't find anyone better than Edgar. Aldo on the other hand, has a tendency to fatigue pretty easily in the later rounds. That is the key to the fight. It's inevitable that Frankie will lose the first round like he does in all of his fights, but the key to victory for Frankie here is out-working Aldo from the 2nd round on. If Edgar can steal three of the last four rounds by continuously moving in and out, landing quick combinations, and using his fantastic footwork, he will win a decision and become the new champion.

Evans vs Lil Nog
This fight could end up being great, or it could end up being bad. Rashad has the superior striking, quickness, and wrestling. But what strategy is he going to use? Is he going to wrestle Lil Nog like Bader and Davis did in the past? That may be the best route to victory, but it isn't the most entertaining. Most importantly, when is the last time Lil Nog has even fought? 2011 against Tito Ortiz? Ring rust will play a major factor in this fight, I see Rashad winning by decision, or possibly a late TKO if he wants to.

Overeem vs Big Foot
This fight is guaranteed to end by brutal knockout. Book it. These are two big dudes with bad intentions. Overeem has seemed a little cocky at times, and is maybe under-estimating Big Foot. But I see Overeem and his far superior striking winning this fight early. This won't be an easy fight for either fighters.Overeem by TKO round one.

Fitch vs Maia
I have a feeling this fight will be extremely boring. Hopefully Maia can catch Fitch in a submission, but unfortunately I see Fitch wrestling his way to a decision. Maia has improved his striking, but I see Fitch taking him down right away and avoiding his submissions for three rounds.

Midget 1 vs Midget 2
Benavidez is quicker, stronger, and has better wrestling than McCall. This fight could end up being fight of the night with the frantic pace these little guys will keep. I have Benavidez winning an entertaining decision by using his speed and wrestling.