Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Good and Bad of Mike D'antoni Becoming Lakers Head Coach

The Good and Bad of Mike D'Antoni Becoming Lakers Head Coach
The big news this week out of the NBA is The Lakers firing of Mike Brown and bringing in Mike D'Antoni. While a lot has been with the fact that Phil Jackson was rumored to wanting to come back and the Lakers not bringing him back. The realism is setting in now on is this a good move for The Lakers a team with 4 stars. As in any situation there is good and bad with this singing.

The Good
   Ever since Phil Jackson left The Lakers really haven't had an identity on the offensive side of the ball. That is why Mike Brown brought in Eddie Jordan and the Princeton-offense. The Lakers din't have the time or the players to work that offense which is the reason why it din't work and that Mike Brown is out of a job. With D'antoni you have a guy who loves offense. His idea of defense is to out score the other guy and with players like Kobe, Nash, Howard, and Gasol he will have a lot of weapons to work with. While he never had two big like this his style does give room for some freedom for the guys to work. If he does the right tweaking he will have the Lakers scoring at a high level pace. With the fact that Nash has done well under him and Kobe has respect for him this does give D'antoni more of a chance to work his offense then Brown.

The Bad 

   Mike D'antoni's biggest thing against him is that he is not Phil Jackson. He which none is but when you have the Staples center chanting "We want Phil" that is tough for someone who comes in and is not Phil Jackson. As far as on the court he will have to deal with spacing the floor with two 7 footers which in a system like D'antoni's is not an easy thing. He will also have to find shooters which is a big part in this system. The main thing is finding a way to get Kobe as many shots as he could. Say what you want about Kobe he is still a top 5 player at worst. Those are problems on the offensive side of the ball which could be corrected with the players they got they are smart players that can figure it out. Another huge thing is the defense if the Lakers can't find a way to defend with the west being so deep it can be a quick end to the season in Staples.
   The big thing that not many people are talking about is the fact that The Lakers got a coach that doesn't fit Dwights style of play and with this being a walk year for Dwight and D'antoni having a 3 year deal this could really be a big risk if it don't go well for the future of The Lakers.  

The Final Say
  All those things being said I think that as far as the regular season goes The Lakers will be a top 3 seed. I think that they will tweak some things that get Dwight and Pau involved together. I see Kobe really finding a way to make this work. On the defensive side of the ball  I think they will be the best defensive team D'antoni has had with guys like Dwight, Artest, and Kobe. If Dwight finds himself and gets right this team will still be a force. I did pick them to win it all and yes I am sticking with it, that being said I am less confident about it with D,antoni then if Phil Jackson was coaching this team.

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