Monday, October 29, 2012

NBA Top 10 Shooting Guards and Point Guards

Top 10 Shooting Guards
We keep the Top 10's going with two in one post. First we are gonna start with the shooting guards.Maybe the most thin position in the league but at the top is as good as any position. Lets take a look.

10.) Monte Ellis 
Monte is a guy who can score with the best of them. Hes a scorer that can score in many different ways. He maybe a little undersized for the position but for the last few years hes been in a back court with Steph Curry and will be playing the same role for Brandon Jennings so look for the same type of play from Monte.

9.) Kevin Martin 
The new Thunder 6th man is a guy who can be instead offense. He is a great scorer. The thing is now he will have to adjust he has a new role on one the best teams in the league it is time to see what Kevin Martin is made of.

8.) Tyreke Evans 

Evans is a guy that has really underachieved. He has the talent to be one of the best players in the game. This I think is a make or break year for him. If he don't take a step up I think he maybe leaving the Kings.

7.) Paul George 
  George is a great talent that is starting to put it together. George is slowly moving toward being the best player on the Pacers. When he plays at a high level he is a huge weapon for them with his athleticism. It will be fun to see his progression this year.

6.) Eric Gordan 

  This is no knock on Gordan what so ever he is big time. I think Gordan can be as good as any 2 guard in the league. Two reasons why I have him this low. Hes never really been on a contender unlike the rest of the guys. Also how much does he want to be there and Austin Rivers affect him. That being said I think this time next year he will be the clear cut number 3 point guard.

5.) Manu Ginobili 
One of the most underrated late game players and play makers in basketball Manu is big time. Manu is a guy who does what ever you need him to do. He comes off the bench if you need him, he starts, he plays where you need him. Manu though getting up there in age is still one the best in the league.

4.) James Harden 

Harden was number 3 to me right before the trade went down. Before I explain why we gotta acknowledge why hes up here. He is a play maker and a guy that when hes on the floor he picks up the level of his team and makes everyone better. I think player with Durant and Westbrook really helped with that. Now the question is hes gonna be on a team thats not as good and that hes the man. It will be really interesting to see if he shines or if he steps up.

3.) Joe Johnson 
Joe Johnson is an interesting player to me. Depending on who you talk to he is really overrated or really underrated. I look at him as an underrated player with an overrated contract. He is in the perfect spot I think with the Brooklyn Nets as the number 2 guy. He is a great scorer and solid defender which is proven with all the battles he has had in the East. I think he will surprise a lot of people this season and win over some people as well.

2.) Dwyane Wade 
  If it wasn't for injuries Wade could be number one and at time he is. Wade is one of the Top 10 players in the league and one of the most clutch players also. I think that people don't realize how big a role he played in  the Heats Championship. Just last NBA Finals he was in the first 5 games the best player on the floor. Any given night he can be the wade that took Miami on his back in 2006 to win it all. If Wades right Miami is almost impossible to beat.

1.) Kobe Bryant 
I am not gonna go over all the great things Kobe has done every NBA fan knows it. He is one the Top 3 players in the game and one the Top 10 of all time. Hes a guy I want with the ball in his hands to end the game, and maybe more then anyone he wants nothing more then to win his 6th NBA ring. With the team around him this year and the fact that LeBron won last year I think Kobe will be on another level This year trying to get number 6.

10. Kevin Martin- 
 K-Mart is another one of those big time scorers who lacks any other types of skills that can make him elite. Nevertheless he drops buckets. He can go off for 40 on any night and he gets to the line like LeBron does. 
9. Paul George- 
George is a great defender and is crazy athletic. He's so young right now and if he can improve his offensive game he will be a big time player for the Pacers. 
8. Tyreke Evans-
Tyreke Evans is one of my favorite players and I'm really disapointed in his last 2 seasons. After  20-6-5 rookie year I expected him to take another step toward stardom but he took steps backwards. With that said I still think he's going to be special. His size and skillset is sort of like LeBron James but obviously on a smaller scale. He played a lot of SG last season but the Kings used him as a PG and SF a lot too. He is great and almost impossible to stop going to the rim he just has to limit his turnovers and start working on his jump shot which he settles for too much. If he can do that he will be a lot higher on this list next season. 
7. Monta Ellis- 
 Monta Ellis is a straight scorer. He does it as good as anyone in the game but outside that he doesn't make a big impact and that's why he's not named up there with the best in the league. At times he can play good defense but he doesn't always give 100 percent effort on that end. The Ellis-Jennings backcourt the Bucks now have is a scary one to defend and if both of them dedicate as much effort on defense as they do offense they will be a surprise playoff team. 
6. Manu Ginobili- 
 Manu is getting up there in age but he can still ball. The Spurs will obviously limit his minutes going forward and his numbers will take a hit but he will still make a big impact on games. He's still one of the best playmakers in the game.
5. Joe Johnson-
 If the Brooklyn Nets do contend for a title this season it will be because Joe Johnson is giving them big time points. I feel like he folded under the pressure of being the number 1 guy the Hawks had sometimes. He doesn't have to worry about that now because Deron Williams is his backcourt mate so I think we will see the best Joe Johnson we've seen in a while with the Nets.
4. James Harden-
 Harden is more then just the Thunder's 6th man he's their playmaker and a guy who the Thunder sometimes run their offense through when Durant or Westbrook or sometimes both of them are off their game. Without him the Thunder don't make it to the finals last season.  (This was written before the trade) 
3. Eric Gordon-  
I'm really high on Eric Gordon as a player. I think he has the potential to be the best SG in the league when Wade and Kobe decline. He's that good. He's a lethal scorer who has really good athleticism and can get to the rim whenever he wants to. The only thing that will hamper him is his health. EG will have a huge year coming up and cement his spot in the top 3.
2. Dwyane Wade- 
As good as Kobe is there is times where Dwyane Wade could be considered the best SG in basketball. He's apart of the big 3 right now but not long ago Wade was good for almost 30 every game and he has singlehandedly led the Heat to a championship. Make no mistake about it if the Heat didn't have LeBron and Bosh Wade would still have the Heat relevant
1. Kobe Bryant- 
Not much you can say that hasn't been said about Kobe. He's done it all he's one of the greatest players in NBA history and even though he may only have a couple of high level years left in his career he's still the best at his position. The Lakers are stacked this year and he may get to add to his ring collection when all is said and done. 

 Top 10 Point Guards 
We are down to our final Top 10 and I think its the toughest and deepest one. I think this is the most talent rich position in the game.  You can make a case for anyone to be the best in the game. Before we start we are making this list as if all the player were playing so Rose and Rubio will be on the list.
10.) Brandon Jennings 
 Jennings is a very explosive player. He can score anytime he wants. He is a new age point guard that is explosive and score first. While he did tail off from his rookie season I think he will be better this year and take a big step forward.

9.) Ty Lawson 
The new leader of the Nuggets. Lawson has played really well ever since he got the starting job. The Nuggets are one of the most fun teams to watch in the NBA and Lawson is the leader with he speed and array of offensive skills. Expect a lot of the same from Lawson and the Nuggets.
8.) Steve Nash 
  Nash might have the best talent around him that he ever had. Going to the Lakers with Kobe, Dwight, and Pau. Nash will have a lot of options. He is a great passer, three point shooter, and one the best free throw shooters in the game. Nash might have one his best assist seasons this year with this talent around him.
7.) Kyrie Irving 
  The defending rookie of the year lived up to the hype in his rookie year. I think Irving is gonna be a top 3 point guard sooner rather then latter. He is the total package at point guard with a great feel of the game. He does a little bit of everything for you. With the pieces around him that the Cavs are giving him Irving I think will take a big step this year.
6.) Tony Parker 
Tony Parker really shocked a lot of people last year and became an MVP candidate last year. He really took over the Spurs and made them his team. I look for a lot of the same this year from Tony Parker.

5.) Russel Westbrook   
  Along with Derrick Rose Westbrook is the most athletic point guard in the game. People say he shoots to much I think his game is better for the team. He takes a lot of pressure of Durant and he can carry the Thunder at any time. As time goes on and he plays more point guard it will only improve his game.

4.) Deron Williams 
The corner stone of the Brooklyn Nets Willams can play with the best of them and any night he can be the best in the game. He has great court vision and is a great passer. I think he is an underrated scorer despite his 50 point game last year. He is as well rounded as they come. The interesting thing with him is he will have the most pressure then he ever had this year. I think he will thrive and just become a better player.  

3.) Rajon Rondo 
  This may surprise better people but Rondo is big time. I think he runs a offense better then anyone. Hes a great passer and his court vision is great as well. His scoring is there yet I think this year he will take a big leap in that.  The reason I have Rondo three is because to me he is as good as anyone in a big game. He had one of the best playoff games of all time for a point guard in Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals. Rondo is the best player on the Celtics and I think this is the year he becomes a top 10-15 player.

2.) Chris Paul 
Chris Paul in like a pit bull on the court. He is arguably the most competitive player and best leader in the game. He will do everything he could to lead his team to a win. Hes a great passer. He took the Clipper to the second round of the playoffs which isnt something that happens very often. You can make a case he is one.

1.) Derrick Rose 
I have watched Rose grow as a player.The former MVP is the most explosive point guard in the league. No player gets to the basketball better then him. His quickness with the ball is elite. His jump shot improves every year.You can't play him one on one. His defense is underrated. His passing and court vision is extremely underrated. Rose makes his teammates better around him.  Hes lead the Bulls to the best record in basketball the last two years. While the ACL injury does scare me. He is so young and he wants to come back and win so bad that I think when he works the rust off he will be a better and smarter player and that's bad news for the NBA.

10. Ricky Rubio-
 Rubio tore his ACL this past season but I'm not leaving him off the list because of it. He's going to be a star and soon will be the best passer in the game. His jump shot has been improving and if you watched Wolves games with and without him you would notice the impact he had as only a rookie. He'll be much higher on this list in the years to come. 
9. Ty Lawson-
 Maybe the fastest point guard in the game Lawson broke out last season and should lead the Nuggets to the playoffs this season. He can penetrate any defense and he's another guy who is gaining a respectable jumper. 
8. Kyrie Irving-  
Like Rubio, Kyrie will be a lot higher on this list come next season and beyond. He has a Chris Paul style to his game but I think he's going to be a better scorer. Kyrie is good all around too and really doesn't have a flaw to his game. 
7. Rajon Rondo- 
 As a pure PG Rondo should be higher up but he just can't shoot the ball and that's a liability. Nobody respects his jumper and as good a passer and playmaker as he is I can't put him higher because of that. 
6. Steve Nash-
 This is the exact type of PG you want on your team. Nash is as good as a passer as he is a shooter and has had amazing success over his career. He's on the decline but teaming up with Kobe In LA isn't the worst thing he could do for himself. 
5. Tony Parker-  
TP is kind of underrated as he isn't talked about as much as the other guys on this list but he's a top 5 PG. He's impossible to defend sometimes because he's so quick and can get to the paint at will. He was an MVP candidate last year for a while and I think he has a chance to do that again this season. 
4. Russell Westbrook-  
Some Westbrook critics might consider him a SG but his impact on games can't be ignored. Sometimes he has to be the main guy the way teams key on Kevin Durant. He might be the most athletic player in basketball and I don't think anybody can guard him 1 on 1. He's not a prototypical PG but he's one hell of a basketball player. 
3. Deron Williams
Deron Williams might be the best all around PG in basketball. He may not be able to lead a team as well as CP3 or Rose but he's an elite player. He will get some help down in Brooklyn this year and I'm looking forward to seeing how far he can take the Nets. 
2. Chris Paul-  
CP3 is a big time PG he always wants to get the last shot in a game and there isn't a better leader out there. He hates losing as much as any other player in Basketball and I think with him at the helm the Clippers could make a lot of noise in the West this season. 
1. Derrick Rose-  
Obviously Rose is coming off an ACL injury and probably won't play more then a couple months of the season, but when he was healthy he was the best in the game to me. He led the Bulls to the best record in the league for 2 seasons straight and he didn't have that great of a supporting cast. He's impossible to defend 1 on 1 and he's becoming more and more deadly as an overall player. I don't think the ACL injury will limit him at all. He might be rusty and 
hesitant but once he gets 10, 15 games under his belt you'll see the old D Rose back. 

       That's it for our Top 10's look out for the NBA Season Preview coming soon.

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