Thursday, October 25, 2012

Top 10 NBA Power Forwards

Top 10 NBA Power Forwards
As we keep going with our Top 10 players by position we go to power forward. This is a position that is going through a change at the top where the younger talent is moving to the top and the older talent is moving to the bottom. Lets take a look at our list.
10.)Amare Stoudemire 
   Stoudemire is becoming one of those players that's hard to figure out. He went from being an MVP candidate 2 years ago to now people asking if he still has it. When hes healthy and hes right he can be as good as anyone. Two big questions with him are can him and Carmelo Anthony finally click and can he stay healthy. This is a make or break year for him this year.

9.) Josh Smith 
   Smith has crazy talent and looks like hes starting to put it together. He is scoring, rebounding and has shot blocking ability. Hes just gotta play inside the three point arch he has a chance to be an all star hes that talented.

8.) Tim Duncan 
  To me he Duncan is the greatest power forward of all time and I will admit it is weird to see him this low on the list. Duncan to me with his age isn't the go to guy anymore and he is a guy that will be resting up for the playoffs so in the regular season I see his number going down.

7.) Kevin Garnett 
  Garnett is in the same situation as Duncan. One of the all time greats getting older and seeing the bigger picture of winning a championship. I do think he will play more and he is still a big part in what the Celtics do on defense. You know Garnett is going to be motivated to win and beat Miami.

6.) Blake Griffin  
  This is a tough one to explain so bare with me. I feel Blake is overrated because of how people just love his dunking ability and lob city this and that. People are now gonna say how can you say a player that goes 20 and 10 how is he overrated? If you do the eye test and watch the tape you see he can be held down like he was in the playoffs. Does he have the talent? Yes but does he have the drive to become a great all around player.

5.) Pau Gasol 
  One of the most well rounded out of all the players on the list and in my mind one of the mentally strongest players in the game because all that hes gone though. Pau has befitted greatly by playing in LA and with Kobe it has brought him to another level. The scary thing for the league is with Kobe, Dwight, and Nash Pau can be the number 4 option some nights. With someone with his talent that's scary.

4.) Chris Bosh 
  The X-factor of the Miami Heat Bosh really shut a lot of people up last season. People said that he wasn't a big part of the Heat but when he got hurt in the playoffs it was seen how much he was needed. People forget how good he was with the Raptors and he is still talented the thing that hurts him is he has 2 of the top 10 players in the league. Which also helps him as well.

3.) Lamarcus Aldridge  
   One of the most underrated players in the game. If Aldirdge was in a bigger market he would be promoted all over as he should be. He is a big time player who puts up big time numbers he has all the tools to be great. He is really starting to put it together. Don't be surprised if next year we are saying he is number one.

2.) Dirk Nowitzki 
  Dirk is the best all around scorer on our list. His shooting skills while isn't the way you learn to shoot growing up it gets the job done. He is one of the best free throw shooters in the game as well as one of the most clutch players as well. Dirk is big time in every sense in the word.

1.) Kevin Love 
  Love to me represents the new wave of big men. Solid all over. He can shoot grab a bunch of rebounds as well as being a great passer. I still find it funny when people try saying Blake is better. Kevin Love is hands down the best power forward in the game and will be like that for a while.

10. Josh Smith-
Smith is one of the most athletic PF in the league and continues to elevate his game. He was quietly a 19-10 player last season and while he has improved his jumper I think he needs to remove the 3 point shot from his game and work more on his post moves. 

9. Amare Stoudemire-

Since Melo arrived in NY Amare has fallen off big time. If there is one person in the league who should have a chip on his shoulder and have something to prove it's Amare. He didn't look good at all last year. He forgot how to defend and rebound. I'm putting him in the top 10 because of his track record but he needs to step up this season.

8. Blake Griffin- 
A casual NBA fan might think Blake Griffin should go 1-2 on the list but anyone who's seen him play outside the ESPN top 10 knows he has a ton of flaws in his game. He's a bad defender and needs a lot of work on his free throws. The stats are there for Blake but at his age and with his skill set there's no reason why he can't elevate his game. 

7. Kevin Garnett-

Another guy who you think can't get it done anymore and he proves his critics wrong. Garnett is still active around the basket and is still an all around great player. He is showing no signs of slowing down and the Celtics just gave him a fat new deal so opponents are gonna have to be annoyed by KG for a couple more years. 

6. Tim Duncan-

Everyone year your here the Spurs are old and that their franchise player Tim Duncan can't get it done anymore. While he does need to have his minutes limited and sometimes take a night off, he puts up elite numbers. Without even cracking 30 minutes a game he put up 15ppg and 9 rebounds. Duncan is one of the best PF to ever play this game, and even on the brink of retirement he is still elite at his position. 

5. Chris Bosh-

You play with guys like Lebron James and Dwayne Wade and that obviously brings your numbers down. Bosh gets a lot of heat(no pun intended) because of the way he looks and acts while playing but he's still a dangerous player. He hit a lot of big shots for the Heat in the playoffs and as a first option on another team he probably scores 25, 26 ppg. 

4. Pau Gasol-

Pau is very skilled and while people call him soft he is still a big time player. Last few seasons he's played second and third fiddle to Kobe and Bynum and I think that brought his numbers down. Regardless of that I'd still take Pau to start on my team in a heartbeat. His numbers will once again fall but his elite post game and soft touch outside probably makes him the best 3rd or 4th option in the league. 

3. Dirk Nowitzki-

Dirk is the best scorer at the PF position. He has an unorthodox style of play but he makes it work. He's getting up their in age but make no mistake about it he's still a top 3 PF. 

2. LaMarcus Aldridge-

I watched LaMarcus Aldridge transform into the player he is today and he's made so many improvements over the past few seasons. He's elevated his post game and he has an automatic mid range jump shot. He would probably average 30 points a game with somebody like Steve Nash as his PG but he is one of the best players running the pick and roll. The Blazers go as Aldridge goes. 

1. Kevin Love- 

Love is a beast in every sense of the world. He's the leagues best rebounder and one of the best shooters in the game. He's not as athletic as the other big time power forwards and that makes his play on the court that much more impressive. Hopefully he can come back off his injury soon and lead the Wolves to the playoffs.

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