Monday, July 2, 2012

The NFL's Top 10 Most Overrated Players

Here's another top 10 counting down the NFL's most overrated players.

10. Antonio Cromartie- It's ironic he's at 10 because that's how many kids he has. He once led the league picks but he's just a moron on the field sometimes. He's a penalty waiting to happen and for as many good plays as he makes he has double the amount of plays where he gets lost in coverage or can't tackle his man. He has the psychical tools to be a top corner but he's too stupid and gets toasted way too often.
9. Stanford Routt- This guy is just terrible. He's a product of Nnamdi Asomugha and it's not surprising the Raiders released him after giving him a 32 million dollar deal for 3 years. As the number 1 corner down in oakland he was a penalty machine as he led the league in them and gave up touchdown after touchdown.
8. Troy Polamalu- Polamalu is a good safety but some say he's the best or on Ed Reed's level and I disagree. He makes some big plays but he gambles way too much. Steelers give him the green light to pretty much whatever he wants on the field but he falls for pump fakes and misses tackles a lot. No question Troy is a great player but based on where people rate him I have to put him up here. Here's a clip of Troy and his buddy Ryan Clark getting owned by Bengals reciever AJ Green just for the hell of it.
 7. Joe Flacco- Flacco thinks he's the best QB in the game so that alone gets him a spot on this list. I just don't think Flacco is very good. He wins a lot of games because of his elite defense and elite running back in Ray Rice. Ravens fans think he's god but honestly he's an average QB. Even some of his teammates have questioned his performance. He's too inconsistent of a QB he has days where he can look elite and days where he makes Jets QB Mark Sanchez look like the second coming of Dan Marino.
6. Chris Johnson- Before last season Chris Johnson was in the conversation for best running back in the league. For good reason because he did have a 2000 yard season under his belt and was one of the deadliest players in open space. The thing with Johnson is he wants to be payed and treated like a top tier RB but to me he doesn't have the skill set of a top tier RB. He doesn't get you tough yards and is the type of guy to have 20 carries for 120 yards but have a 70 yard run to inflate his stats. Last year he was just a run of the mill RB and didn't help the Titans at all. Now Kenny Britt did get injured and hurt the Titans passing game but still when you are a guy hyped up like Johnson is you have to produce and he didn't.

5. Desean Jackson- This one is tough to write because I love Desean but after the last season he had I had to get him a spot on this list. He doesn't always give 100% and is sometimes non existent in games. A guy like Desean is able to have a big impact on games with his ability to get behind the defense or turn a screen into a 40 yard touchdown but he just doesn't do the other things you want in a receiver he's not gonna make you the touch catch on a 3rd and 5 or make good blocks in the run game. He's an exciting player with his speed and punt returning but he's not as good a receiver as some people say.

4. Matt Ryan- Maybe a shocker to some but to me Ryan is overrated. He can't win a playoff game and for a guy who is supposed to be clutch that's not good. He was a joke in the Giants playoff game and I might have him a little high on this list but I put him here because I rarely hear anything bad being spoken about this guy. I don't think he does anything really good to me he's a very average QB. He's somebody like Mark Sanchez who after a nice rookie year didn't improve as much as you would've liked. Next year he will have Roddy White and a 2nd year Julio Jones if he can't produce big time numbers and win a playoff game with the Falcons he will justify this spot on the list.

3. Mark Sanchez- The NY media and fanbase hypes this guy up to no end when he does good but when he does bad he's the worst QB ever. The bottomline with Sanchez is that he's an average QB who is what he is and probably won't improve much more. He's gotten the Jets to 2 AFC championships big deal last time I checked you don't get hardware for losing that game. and to me they got their in spite of him not because of him. He has a decent arm but his accuracy is terrible and really the only route he throws consistently is the slant route. I've been anti Mark Sanchez since he got to the league and everyone thought this guy would be a top 5 QB by now but that's not the case. Unfortunately for Jets fans Sanchez's job is in jeopardy to a guy who's even worse then him.

2. Tim Tebow- The most hyped player on this list Tebow just can't throw the ball. It's paintful to watch this guy sometimes. He pulled some crazy 4th quarter heroics out of his ass last year and I loved watching it but people have to stop acting like this guy is good. The Broncos adjusted their whole offense for Tebow last year and got good results but there is too many throws he can't make. Tebow fanboys ignore his 1st 3 quarters but applaud his efforts in the 4th quarter. I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen those same people hate on LeBron James for not playing his best in the 4th quarter. Lebron plays 3 quarters and everyone hates him, Tebow plays half a quarter and everyone loves him. Gotta love sports.

And the most overrated player in the NFL is.....Ndamakoung Suh. The way people talk about Suh you'd think he is an elite defensive tackle but he's not. He's not even the best tackle on his team. He didn't improve at all last season coming off his impressive rookie year. He actually got worse. He doesn't get to the QB and gets too many stupid personal fouls. Some even resulting in suspensions. This guy should work more on penetrating offensive lines rather then stomping on peoples heads. Or throwing rookie QB's on the floor when they have their helmets off. I got your back red rifle.


  1. 3 jets and no Bengals. bias.

  2. Nobody rates the bengals that highly to begin with. We talking about a team who was predicted to win 2 games last year.
