Saturday, July 7, 2012


Tonight is the biggest fight in MMA history and SpinzzSports will be here though every fight giving you round by round results and coverage. Tune  in here at 10 pm for the PPV results and tune in at 8 pm for the prelims on FX results.FX FIGHTS
John Alessio vs Shane Roller

Round 1
Both fighters start the fight out feeling each other out on the feet. Roller connects on a good combination. Alessio answers right back.Roller lands a kick low giving us a break in the fightAction starts up again both fighters get a little more agrresive. Alessio starting to connect Roller shoots for  a take down but fails. Both fighters back to the feet with Alessio once again getting the better of the exchanges. Both fighters clinch up against the cage with Alessio holding Roller against the cage. Both fighters break away Both fighters exchange some more with Alessio dropiing Roller. Roller holds on to Alessio to aviod damage round ends.
10-9 Alessio

Round 2
Both fighters hit the center of the cage and exchange. Alessio goes for the takedown falls in to a guillitene choke of Roller. He gets out of it the two clinch. Roller takes Alessio down and take top position and half guard. Takes Alessios back attempts a choke with one hook then lets go and starts throwing punches and takes wrist control. Roller gets the back with both hooks. Now goes to the body lock and starts throwing punches and elbows. Roller ends the round on Alessions back sitting up against the cage as the round ends.
10-8 Roller

Round 3
Round starts with Alessio coming out guns blazing and connecting on a bunch of combinations. They go up against the cage as Roller then gets the take down and gets half guard. Roller controls Alessio still. Alessio pops up but Roller grabs a hold of him. Takes down Alession and now Roller has his back with a hook. Roller keeps softening Alessio up as they are against the cage with Roller having Alessions back. Alession is yelling at Roller to fight him. Roller throws more punches and goes for the choke with the body lock in. Roller goes for an arm triangle . Alessio revesses with 10 seconds left throws punches to little to late as the round and fight ends.
10-9 Roller
Alessio yells something to Roller after the fight is over

Official Decision:   Shane Roller wins by Unanimous Decision 29-28 on all the judges score cards.

Constantinos Philppou vs Riki Fukuda 

Round 1

Both Fighters start the round off very slow feeling each other out nothing going on in the first two minutes.  Fukuda shoots for a take down they are up against the cage now. Philppou trys to walk up the cage and gets to his feet but Fukuda holds on, Philppou breaks free and they are back to the feet in the middle of the cage. Both land with a couple of clean shots. Philppous starting to land his right hand. Philppou starting to land nice combos. Fukuda starts landing some leg kicks as the round ends. Not much going on in that round Fukuda got the take down but did nothing with it Philppou sneaks that round out.
10-9 Philppou

Round 2
Round 2 starts both fighters a little more aggressive. Philppou keeps throwing and landing that right. Fukuda goes for a take down and puts Philppou against the cage. They break and throw some punches at each other as they go back to the middle of the cage. Both start throwing as Philppou starts landing some more.  Fukuda goes for a take down and it gets stopped fight stays on the feet. Fukuda starts throwing more kicks to the body and leg. Fukuda lands a kick a little to low as the fight gets stopped. Fukuda keeps throwing kicks but Philppou is starting to counter with right hands. As the round ends.
10-9 Philppou

Round 3
Both Fighters hit the center of the cage. They both land shots on each other as Fukuda shoots and pushes Philppou to the cage. Philppou pushes Fukuda away as the fight goes to the center of the cage. Fukuda goes for another take down as Phillpou stuffs that one also. Fukuda lands a body kick and as it happens Phillpou gets pocked in the eye. As he goes down he yells OH MY GOD. They show the replay and he gets hit square in the eye. The doctor is in the cage checking it out. Phillpou wants to keep fighting. As the fight continuous Phillpou look fired up as he comes out swinging as he gets a hold of a coke but Fukuda pushes out of it. The fight goes back to the center of the cage.Both fighters exchange to the bell round and fight over
10-9 Phillpou fight should go to him all three rounds
Official Decision: Phillpou wins by Unanimous Decision 30-27 30-27 and 29-28 

Gleison Tibau vs Khabib Nurmagomedov

Round 1
Both fighters dont do much in the first half of round one. Khabib pushes for the taked own. As they break he goes for it again and holds Tibau there. The ref breaks them up as they start swinging at each other. Khabib goes for the take down and dosent get it as the round ends. Much of nothing in that round other then Khabib going for the take downs .
10-9 Khabib

Round 2
Round two starts both fighters open up a little more. Tibau throws some good punches. Khabib again goes for the take down but Tibau stuffs it and gets away and keeps the fight on its feet. Tibau  then goes for the take down and gets it but Khabib pops right up and goes back to going for the take down. Tibau trys going for a choke but he don't get it. They break and throw punches at each other and then clinch again. They stand in the middle and trade  little as Khabib throws a flying kick and a right and connects as the round ends. Another close round here.
10-9 Khabib

Round 3
Round starts they circle a little and throw some punches as Khabib once again goes for a take down and pushes Tibau against the cage, They break and Khabib lands a nice punch. Tibbau shoots gets the take down and gets the back Khabib gets out of it and pushes Tibau against the fence. Khabib throws some wild punches none really land. Tibau comes back with a left. Khabib clipps Tibau with a right hand but dosent capitalize. Both fighters end the round swinging.
10-9 Khabib I have Khabib wining all three rounds close I wouldnt be surprised if Tibau won.
Official Decision: Khabib Wins Unanimous Decision 30-27
I dont know what Rogan and Goldberg are talking bout.I always go with the guy pushing the fight this was a perfect example of that

Melvin Guillard vs Fabricio Camoes

Round 1

Cameoes come out swinging which is very surprising. He then goes for a take down and fails in the attempt.  Cameoes gets a hold of Melvin takes him down but Melvin pops up and they separate. Camoes keeps diving for take downs. He throws a kick Melvin catches it and throws some punches before he lefts go. Camoes pulls guard and goes for a leg but dosent get it. They stand up and Melvin gets the take down lands some punches but Cameoes reverses it. Takes his back and then gets mount on Melvin. Melvin explodes out of it they are back on the feet Cameoes throws a spinning kick and gets caught by Melvin as Melvin lands some punches as the round ends. That might of stole the round for Melvin
10-9 Melvin

Round 2
This round starts a little bit of a slower pace then the last round. Melvin throwing all the punches. Camoes throws a few kicks. Melvin is starting to find his range with his punches. Camoes lands a good right. Camoes Throws a spinning kick and misses. He shoots for a take down and pushes Melvin against the cage. He gets Melvin down but Melvin pops up and gets away both fighters are on there feet.  Camoes throws some punches gets inside and gets control of Melvins body. He takes Melvin down as Melvin is sitting up against the cage. Melvin explodes to his feet. Camoes throws an elbow but Melvin lands some punches on top for the last 20 seconds throwing punches as the round ends might of stole that round to.
10-9 Melvin

Round 3
This round is off to an even slower start. Both fighters throwing a lot of faints not landing much. Camoes throws a nice front kick.Melvin throwing a lot of jabs Camoes throwing some kicks thats been the pace of the first part of round 3. Melvin is looking for some body shots. Melvin starting to push foward with some combos. Camoes lands a nice right hand. Camoes shoots down for a take down grabs the ankle and gets nothing Melvin moves away they are on there feet.  Melvin gets tripped up but stays on his feet, Camoes drops down for a leg lock with 10 seconds and dosent get it.
10-9 Camoes Melvin should take this
29-28 Melvin in not the most exciting fight of the night
Official Decision Melvin Unanimous Decision 


Ivan Menjivar vs Mike Easton

Round 1

Both fighters start off by feeling each other out. Ivans throwing some wild punches Easton countering. Easton is landing his kicks. Easton starting to loosen up his punches  Easton lands a nice high kick. Ivan answers right back with a high kick of his own.  Ivan lands another high kick and throws a couple of sniping kicks to the leg.Both fighters throw some combos back and forth as Easton goes for the take down at the end of the round and dosent get it as the round ends. Close round here
10-9 Menjivar 

Round 2
Both fighters come out in this round a lot more agressive. Both throwing a lot of punches. Ivan is doing a great job in mixing things up. Easton keeps throwing a lot of kicks. This has turned into a straight kick boxing fight. Easton is controling the center of the cage and is starting to land more punches. Ivan lands a nice right and inside leg kick. Easton returns with a nice body shot. Easton ends the round with a flying knee and leg kick.Easton takes that round by his aggression.
10-9 Easton

Round 3
Round three starts with Easton being more aggressive.  Ivan keeps throwing his kicks as well . Easton gets the take down half way through the round. Ivan pops right up and gets the fight to its feet.Ivan lands some nice combos but Easton lands a big right. Easton trys a crazy kick and misses. Gets up to his feet as the round ends. Good fight
10-9 Easton Easton 29-28
Official Decision Mike Easton wins Unanimous  Decision 30-27 29-28 30-27 

Chad Mendes vs Cody McKenzie 
Round 1
Both fighters come out swinging. McKenzie throws some kicks. Mendes catches one punches Mckenzie to the body to drop him. Finishes him off with some ground and pound fights over
Official Decision: Mendes TKO 31 Seconds Round 1

Dong Hung Kim vs Damian Mia  

Round 1

Mia comes out quickly and goes for a take down and pushes Kim to the fence. Kim throws elbow to the head has Mia takes the back. He takes Kim down goes to mount throws a couple punches as Kim taps. It appears Kim got hurt while being taken down.
Official Decision: Mia TKO 1:47 Round 1

Cung Lee vs Patrick Cote 
Round 1

Cote throws a kick Lee catches it and throws him down. Lee lets Cote up. Lee throwing a lot of kicks. Cote  comes it for a punch Lee moves out the way and connects with w big right looks like its back of the head. Lee is controlling the center of the cage with his kicks. Cote starting to throw more strikes. As he starting show more aggressiveness  a little to late but Lee takes the round.
10-9 Lee

Round 2
Round starts with Cote mixing things up well. Connects on a big right to give Lee a cut. Lee responds with a shot to Cote to the side of the head to cause a cut. Lee connects on some more sniping kicks. Cote throws some big combos ends it with a kick to the body. Lee tags cote with a right and a knee. Cote responds with a right to rock Lee. Lee grabs on to Cote as Cote grabs Lee to land some rights in the clinch. They break and the round ends as Cote throws a kick.
10-9 Cote

Round 3
Lee comes out throwing some kicks one lands low on Cote. Cote stops for a second and goes right back into the fight.  Cote grabs Lee and puts him in the clinch using his dirty boxing.  Lee throws a knee as Cote throws a spinning back fist. Cote keeps switching stances. Lee is starting to open up more and more with his kicks. Cote grabs Lee and puts him up against the cage. Lee gets the trip and takes Cote down. Cote hops right up and goes for a take down but doesn't get it.  Lee lands a couple of good rights. Cote lands some of his own. Both fighters have a good exchange of punches with a minute left. Lee gets a big take down. Cote is landing more punches from the bottom.  Lee dose nothing after the take down but the take down might of won him the fight
Lee 10-9 Lee 29-28
Official Decision: Lee gets Unanimous Decision 30-27 on all judges score card 

Co Main Event time Hall of Famer Tito Ortiz last fight. A very emotional Ortiz comes out with some sort of mask on.Forest comes out still seems to be the crowd favorite.

Round 1

Forest comes out with a tone ofaggressiveness landing a lot of kicks. Tito gets the take down lands some elbows. Forest gets back on his feet and starts landing on his feet. Tito attempts a take down from across the cage and gets stuffed. Forest keeps busy as they get to their feet landing a lot more punches and kicks. Tito gets a take down at the buzzer
Forest 10-9

Round 2
Tito comes out guns blazing in Round 2. Rocks Forest throwing a lot of punches Forest grabs Tito holds him up against the cage and breaks away they both come to the center of the cage. Forest apears to recovered as he picks Tito apart on the feet. Tito lands a good left. Forest keeps picking Tito apart with kicks and punches.Tito appears to be slowing down. Tito goes for a late take down Forest stuffs its lands some punches as the round ends.
Forest 10-9

Round 3
Forest comes out keeping his pace and picking Tito apart. Tito lands a big punch that rocks Forest, Tito takes Forest down and works ground and pound as Forest trys to get up. Forest finally uses the cage to get to his feet. Forest pushes away and the two are separated. Tito is swinging for the fences. Forest pushes the pace Tito keeps throwing that big right. The last 10 seconds the two fighters swing to the finish.
Tito 10-9 Forest 29-28
Forest leaves the cage and goes to the back Dana White goes running after him to tell him to go back in the cage very strange ending.

Official Decision: Judges score card Forest 29-28 Unanimous Decision 


Round 1

Borh fighters come right to the middle of the cage and Chael takes Silva right down.  Moves Silva to the of the cage Chael gets the mount to end to round
10-8 Chael

Round 2
Chael goes for a taken down early they separate Anderson lands a knee to the ribs drops Chael after Chael tried a spining back fist Silva does ground and pound and finishes Chael.


  1. Rudolfo FernandezJuly 7, 2012 at 3:29 PM

    I can't wait I do ultimate fight train in offseason. I try to fight Nate McMillan he say no

  2. Yo brow Mark Sanchez > Eli Manning

    - Anonymous.
