Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The exposing of Skip Bayless           
   Every morning I wake up and watch ESPN 2 to watch ESPNs First Take. First take is a debate show with Stephen A Smith and Skip Bayless. Bayless career has blown up since joining ESPN a few years ago, but for all the wrong reasons. Skip has made a career about saying crazy stuff about the top athletes in sports mainly LeBron James. The crazy thing about this is Skip actually believes all the stuff he says. Everyday you can turn on First take and you are garented that Skip will say something crazy.
    Skips main claim to fame has been his bashing of LeBron James. Skip has been tough on LeBron through his whole career because Skip claims that LeBron is trying to be LeBron James. Skip has called him King James among other names. While at times Skip is right about LeBron he also has had some crazy things to say. After LeBrons monster game vs The Celtics Skip said he only did it because he had zero pressure on him. Which is crazy because they were in Boston down 3-2 and the big three was about to be brroken up and considered a failure but yet to Skip thats no pressure. After LeBrons last two wins in the NBA finals Skip says that he was impressive BUT he only hit 8 shots from outside the paint. Meanwhile for years Skip has said LeBron should just attack the paint but when he does and hes doing well Skip has to find a reason to say something bad. The final thing with LeBron when he wins the MVP this year he says he dosent deserve it because hes apart of the big three. Meanwhile last year when Derick Rose won it (another player who Skip rips on) Skip at one point said LeBron should win it. How funny thngs change Skip.
    Another athlete Skip unfairly rips on is the best boxer on the planet Floyd Mayweather JR. Skip has constantly said Floyd is scared of Manny Pacaquiao and that Floyd would lose to him. When ever info comes out about how Floyd offered Manny a split of money that be great for Manny or that Floyd called out Manny or when Mannys promoter Bob Arum dose something to prove they want the fight. Skip comes and find a crazy way to say Floyd is scared, but when info comes out from Pacaquiaos camp Skip becomes his personal cheerleader. Another point with Floyd is when they fight and the performances they put on. When Floyd looks good and puts on a show and wins a fight Skip finds one little thing wrong and takes it and runs But when Manny dosent look good which he hasnt in a while Skips argument is ..... he is fighting bad to make Mayweather fight him....yes people he thinks this.

   The last thing that makes me scratch my head Skip says Manny is a all time great and looks at who he beat,meanwhile Floyd beat everyone Manny did before Manny. The two guys Floyd dint fight before Manny Marquez and Cotto. Marquez Floyd picked apart and made him look bad. Meanwhile Manny struggled three times and could of lost all three. With Cotto Floyd fought him at his weight class and years after he got brutazlized by Antonio Margarito and at Cottos wieght class when he looked more healthy. Manny fought him at a weight class he had to kill himself to cut to and right after the first Mrgarito fight. Skip dosent mention that when he makes these comments espeacilly the one after the Cotto fight for Floyd when he said he dint look as good as Manny did well i wounder why Skip? If all the  facts were reversed  to Floyd Skip would run with that.

    Two more athletes Skip rips on are two of the NBAs best, young and most exciting point guards in the league Derrick Rose and Russell Westbrook. Skip dosent like how they are shoot first point guards and that they hurt the teams they are on more then they help.  So in Rose case winning a MVP leading you team to the best record in the NBA two years in a row and the most wins in the last two seasons hurts the Bulls? Also when Rose went out with the ACL injury and The Bulls got eliminated did that not prove Rose needs to do what he does for them to win?

  With Westbrook Skip again claims that The Thunder cant win with Westrbook at the point. He feels this way because he wants Kevin Durant shooting the ball more. Even though Kevin Durant has said Westbrook makes the game easier for him and opens the floor for him to make shots and the stats prove that Durant is right. The Thunder have a better winning percentage when Westrbook takes the most shots. Skip still dosent believe that. Skip says everyone is wrong and he is right about this meanwhile Westbrook has led his team to the NBA finals.

  When athletes come at Skip about what he says and how he sees things Skip says you don't have to play a sport as a pro to know what your talking about. While I do agree with Skip as far as that goes to so extent he then says something else that I don't agree with. He claims the greater the player the worst they see talent. While Michael Jordan the greatest basketball player ever is bad at evaluating talent and the Spurs GM RC Buford never had a basetball career. Skip forgets such greats as Jerry West, Joe Dumars, and Larry Bird. They all have done a good job leading the teams with all going to the finals and Dumars and West winning rings, but Skip forgets that point to.

    Finally......................... Tim Tebow. Skip has the crazy love for Tebow that I feel is the reason why so many people hate him. No matter what Tebow does wrong no wrong in Skips eyes. Skip claims all Tebow dose is win which he is right about, but he think Tebow is the reason for everything. Not the defense or special teams Tebow is. Skip fails to mention about how well the D plays and O line considering  how the Broncos had to play with Tebow at the helm. He ripps on how bad they played vs the Pats with out thinking maybe the team hit a wall as far as being tired for playing so hard and so smash mouth for all these weeks. Plus Tom Brady is pretty good to. Skip has gotten into heated arguments with everyone over Tebow just to prove hes right on the topic and takes  cheap shots to do so. Like he did to NFL great Chrus Carter when he said he never won a wing. Stepehen A Smith says it best Skip Bayless will be the demise of Tim Tebow.

   Skip Bayless I will give him credit on these points. He is very entertaining, he does believe in everything he as, and he does get athletes to see what he is gonna say. I just feel he says things to get a reaction more then to give legit facts. I would love a chance to go up against Skip and call him out on all this. Skip needs to be proven wrong for all these facts.

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