Sunday, June 24, 2012

What is the best sporting event to go to?
     To me there is nothing better then sports. Sports to me is the only thing that is reality TV. There is nothing better then a the drama and emotion of sports. It is even better to watch live. That begs the question what is the best sporting event to watch live. I have been to many different sporting events so im gonna break down each, rank them and tell you guys what I think is the best.

   I know what everyone is saying really football? Yes football is the biggest sport in america right now and yes going to a football game is very exciting still. The emotion of a football game is like no other, but when you watch football live at the stadium you see one play and have to wait between plays for another play. At home its a little different because you have replay and people analyst breaking down plays. While you are there you dont have that and you have to wait. Also the time between replay drags to while you are there. Dont get me wrong I love football and ill spend hours watch college and pro football but compared to other events it isnt up there live. Saying that it is still enjoyable to go to when the plays are going on it is every bit as exciting to watch live then it is in person. Also it is something you really remember since it is so hard to attend football games.

  Hockey I think is the most underrated sport to watch live. Fast pace, hard hitting, and a crowed that is very into the game. I think that people over look it because it isnt as popular of a sport but I think it is a sporting event  worth going to and is one even non hockey fans that would have a good time going.

    Basketball has a little bit of the same apeal as hockey but you replace the hard hitting with  athleticism. Basketball is a sport that I think more then any other that the crowd can control the game in both ways. A lot of the times in basketball games role players feed off the crowd and the emotion of the crowd. In other insistence the crowd can be taken out of the game by the road team and the game can turn. That is a big reason why basketball games are fun to go to.

   A lot of people rip on baseball saying how boring it is and this and that. I just think those are people that dont understand the game. Going to a baseball game to me is as fun and enjoyable as any other event. Watching the pitcher throw in person talking about the strategy of the game with other people. Enjoying the nice weather most of the time. Also nothing beats watching a playoff game live for baseball. The energy in the crowd is like nothing else you can think of it is something special how every pitch feels like it means something.

1.) MMA 

  If you havent been to a MMA event live you most go. It is nothing else you can think of.  The crowd is amazing the fights are great. The atmosphere is just awesome. Top that the interaction with the fighters there is great. They are so happy and will to stop and talk with you and take pictures. Even the president and the owers of the organization stops and talks. You dont get the interaction anywhere else then you do with a MMA event I feel even if you are a fan or not you have to go and experience this yourself.  

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