Wednesday, June 20, 2012


     LeBron James is in the mist of winning his for NBA Championship of his career tomorrow night in Miami. From when he was in high school people have called LeBron the chose one and the next great in the game of basketball. Already at the age of 27 people are starting to say he is already one of the greats we have ever seen. Now with a win in game 5 do we dare compare him to the greatest of all time Michael Jordan. ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am starting to see in media people saying this and it makes me sick to hear. Even at the age of 27 for each it is just a dumb comparison. Lets get into some of the facts why.

   For the people to say that LeBron would have a NBA chapionship before Jordan at the age of 27 fail to realize a few facts. First Jordan played three years at UNC and won a national championship vs George Town and was hitting big shots in that game. So you cant compare the two at the age of 27 because LeBron had a early started on Jordan. The real comparison could be made in there 9th season when MJ had 3 rings already but people seem to forget that. People also do forget that LeBron has been to the finals two other times and lost. The Spurs series he gets a past cause he had no chance, but the Miami series as the favorite to lose and to lose at home MJ would of never let that happen.

   Another point Jordan dint go out and get help him and the organization created it together. I always hear that Jordan only won because he had Scottie and LeBron is doing the same by playing with Wade and Bosh. Thats half true ya MJ had Scottie but they drafted him and MJ pushed him and helped make him a NBA legend. LeBron went and joined a great player in Dwyane Wade who has won on his own and another top player in Chris Bosh that never had help ether. So it wasnt like Jordan joined up with Scottie they came up and grew together and those Bulls teams had a lot less help then this Heat team dose for the two top players.

  I can really go on and on about this. The last thing im gonna say and I will always so this about LeBron with The comparisons to MJ. Its not fair to him hes not that type of player. He really isnt a Magic Johnson type either other then the size and passing abilty. The player you can best compare LeBron to is Oscar Robinson one of the top 10-15 players ever did it all like LeBron. The original Mr.Triple Double. Is LeBron great yes no other player in the league has ever had the gift LeBron has and he will go down as one of the greats ever. Can you compare in to Michael Jordan? No. The only player in this generation that is even in the same ball park is Kobe Bryant and even that is a stretch when you think about it. People need to stop looking for the next Michael Jordan because we will never see another player like him. 

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