Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Knicks Star Stoudemire fined 50k for gay slur...

   Knicks star Amare Stoudemire was fined today 50 k after tweeting  a gay slur. Amare messaged a fan after the fan told him "You better come back stronger and quicker to make up for last season." at the end there was some censored worrds. The Knicks power foward then messaged the fan (picture above). Amare then apologized to the fan and then left a statement. In his statement he said "I am a huge supporter of civil rights for all people," he also added "I am disappointed in myself for my statement to a fan. I should have known better and there is no excuse." The Knicks have no comment on the situation but you must think how much more of these reckless actions can they take from a guy they are paying over  100,000.000 to?

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